Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Perfect Pancake Flip

The Perfect Pancake Flip
By: Makayla Moore

I was in my kitchen watching my sister flip a pancake. I could hear the sizzle as the pancake mix met the pan. It filled the kitchen with the smell of pancake batter. I knew how to make the mix, but I could never flip the pancake myself.
“How do you do that?” I asked with curiosity.
“Come over here and I’ll show you.”
“You start by spraying the pan with Pam,” she said as she sprayed the pan. The spray hit the pan covering it.
“What’s next?”
“You pour the mix into the pan, not too much or too little.”
“How do you know if you have too much or too little?”” I asked very confused.
“You’ll just know,” she said with certainty
“Ok,” I said still skeptical on what’s too much or too little.
“Here’s a good tip to know when to flip the, pancake pop a bubble if it fills in it’s not ready if it stays hollow its ready to be flipped.”
She said as she popped the bubble and it stayed hollow.
“So it’s ready to be flipped?” I asked already knowing it should be flipped, but wanted to be sure.
“Yes,” she answered
“Be careful while doing this you don’t want to burn yourself.”
“I won’t,” I said confidently
“That’s what you say now, but you never know.”
As we were arguing I watched as my sister flipped the most perfect pancake ever.
“So is it done now?” I asked eager to make my own pancake and eat it.
“Not yet, you have to wait for the other side to cook. It won’t take long.”
“Ugh,” I said disappointed it wasn’t done yet.
A little while later my sister announced it was time to put it on the plate.
“Finally!” I said very enthusiastically
She put the pancake on the plate and it was perfect.
“Can I try now?”
“Sure, but don’t forget to spray It with Pam or you’ll have some troubles flipping it.”
“I won’t forget.”
“Don’t burn yourself.”
“I won’t,” I said very excited to finally be making pancakes
Flipping a pancake is not as hard as I thought it would be. It’s actually pretty easy. Pancakes are the type of food that every person knows how to make. Because they are so simple to make.  So be sure to learn how to make them.

Right after she let me make my own pancakes while I was attempting to flip the pancake I accidentally burned my hand. I guess I learned two things that day how to flip a pancake and to be more careful while flipping the pancake. 

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