Thursday, February 18, 2016

We Should Have a Longer Lunch Time

During lunch I often feel rushed and can't even finish all of my food. If we had a longer lunch time we wouldn't get hungry later in the day. Also, we would get more time to clean up. Another reason is  you wouldn't feel like you're in an eating contest every time you go to lunch since you have to eat so fast. Therefore, we should have a longer lunch time.

As I said before, you won't get hungry later in the day. You would just be distracted during all of your classes that are after lunch; all you will be able to think about is food. Secondly, it's not healthy to constantly not be eating full meals. Lastly, if you have an activity right after school you won't have time to stop and get a snack, so your lunch is the only food you will get before your activity. You can't work on an empty stomach, and you shouldn't have to.

Another reason is that we would have more time to clean up. All those tables with all the trash left on them will no longer have that trash, because people would have the time to pick things up. The janitor also wouldn't have to clean up as much, even though it's their job. Nobody likes cleaning up for somebody else. Also, you would have more time to clean yourself up, you might even notice a stain that you wouldn't have noticed before. That's why it would be great to have more time to clean up.

Lastly,  you won't feel rushed while eating. If you're rushed while eating, you're not being as careful as you should be, and you could choke. You'll have time to actually enjoy your food instead of just stuffing your face with it. Instead of stuffing your face, you would be able to actually have a conversation with the people at your table instead of eating in silence. That's why we won't feel rushed while eating.

In conclusion, we should have a longer lunch time. First of all, you won't get hungry later in the day. Secondly, we would have more time to clean up. Lastly, you won't feel rushed while eating. Next time you see Mr. White, be sure to mention longer lunch times.